Past Programs

Educational Programs (MCLE) On-Demand Link

The Society is now offering the opportunity to view its prior MCLE programs online and receive MCLE credit.

Society members (includes MCLE credit) – free
Non-members – A fee is required to view Society programs for MCLE credit

If continuing education credit is not requested, anyone (including members of the public) may view these programs for free.

MCLE programs from other organizations are also available through this link for a fee.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

5 PM – 6 PM

Cruz Reynoso Courthouse
601 W Santa Ana Blvd
Santa Ana, CA

The California Supreme Court Historical Society is proud to present the following program:

A Re-enactment of the Oral Argument of the 1947 9th Circuit Case of

Mendez, et al v. Westminster School District, et al.

This decision outlawed segregation of Mexican American students into “separate but supposedly equal” grammar schools in California. It led to the passage of legislation prohibiting all racial and ethnic segregation of students in California’s public schools.

Presented by:
Presiding Justice Kathleen O’Leary
Presiding Justice Manuel A. Ramirez
Judge Frederick P. Aguirre, Ret., Judicate West
Associate Justice Thomas A. Delaney
Presiding Judge Maria D. Hernandez, OCSC
Associate Justice Joanne Motoike
Associate Justice Maurice Sanchez

There is no charge for this program.

MCLE Credit – 1 hour (Elimination of Bias)
No charge for members of the California Supreme Court Historical Society.
Non-members may purchase MCLE credit for $25.00

Registration for Program and MCLE Credit

Program Flyer

This program is co-sponsored by

California Lawyers Association
Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County
Los Angeles County Bar Association
Orange County Bar Association
Orange County Asian American Bar Association
Riverside County Bar Association
Sacramento County Bar Association

An evening with retired
California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye

Retired Associate Justice Kathryn Werdegar will interview Retired Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye about her career, the Court and her jurisprudence

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Milton Marks Auditorium
State Building
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco 94102

There is no charge for this program for CSCHS members, active Judges and Judicial staff (includes MCLE credit).

Registration for non-members (including MCLE credit) is $40.

Registration for Program and MCLE Credit

Program Flyer

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 – Webinar
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

The Alexander Pantages Rape Trials:  The Death(?) of a Doctrine That Set an Alleged Rapist Free


John Caragozian,Legal Historian
Kate Jewett, Deputy District Attorney, Contra Costa County

Introduction by Professor Laurie Levinson, Loyola Law School

There is no charge for this program.

1 hour MCLE Credit (Elimination of Bias) is available to California Supreme Court Historical Society members at no charge. Non-members may purchase MCLE credit for $25.00

Program Registration for Webinar and MCLE credit

Program Flyer

This program was co-sponsored by

Alameda County Bar Association
California Judges Association
Harvard Law School Association of Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Bar Association
Loyola Law School
Sacramento County Bar Association

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 – Webinar
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Free Speech and the Internet

Presentation by Mitchell Keiter, Esq.

There is no charge for this program.

1 hour MCLE Credit is available to California Supreme Court Historical Society members at no charge. Non-members may purchase MCLE credit for $25.00

Program Registration for Webinar and MCLE credit

Program Flyer

This program was co-sponsored by

Alameda County Bar Association
Beverly Hills Bar Association
California Lawyers Association
Federal Bar Association – Northern District of California Chapter
The Los Angeles County Bar Association
The Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society
Orange County Bar Association
Riverside County Bar Association
Sacramento County Bar Association
San Diego County Bar Association
The U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California Historical Society

Thursday, February 15, 2024 – Webinar
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Looking Back:

A Review of Significant Decisions of The California Supreme Court in 2023

Introduction by California Supreme Court Justice Joshua Groban
Presentation by David A. Carrillo, Berkeley Law

There is no charge for this program.

1 hour MCLE Credit is available to California Supreme Court Historical Society members at no charge. Non-members may purchase MCLE credit for $25.00

Program Registration for Webinar and MCLE credit

Program Flyer

This program was co-sponsored by

Alameda County Bar Association
The Bar Association of San Francisco
Berkeley Law
California Constitution Center
California Lawyers Association
Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research
Institute for Governmental Studies
The Los Angeles County Bar Association
The U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California Historical Society

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 – Webinar
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Unholy Covenants:

How California Courts Came to Enforce Racial and Ethnic Restrictions
on Housing and Their Impact Today

Presented by Bob Wolfe
Supervising Attorney, Court of Appeal (ret.)

There is no charge for this program.

1 hour MCLE Credit is available to California Supreme Court Historical Society members at no charge. Non-members may purchase MCLE credit for $25.00

Program Registration for Webinar and MCLE credit

Program Flyer

This program was co-sponsored by

The Bar Association of San Francisco
The Los Angeles County Bar Association
The Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society
The U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California Historical Society

The Legacy and Jurisprudence of Justice Ming Chin

This program was sponsored by the CSCHS at the California Lawyers Association’s Annual Meeting: September 21, 2023

The Society would like to thank our donors for this program:

Donors – Gold: Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP; Shjeflo, Riley & Cruz LLP, and GMSR Appellate Lawyers / Silver: Littler / Bronze: ADR Services, Inc. and Horvitz & Levy LLP

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – Webinar
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

California Without Law: 1846 -1850

From the beginning of the Mexican War until the first California Legislature met, California was governed by an uncertain mixture of Mexican and military law. It was administered by “alcaldes” whose rulings were largely based on their instincts of justice. Many Americans considered it to be a system without law.

In addition, the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War, was negotiated by an envoy whose authority had been revoked; leading to a treaty signed without authority. More “lawlessness.”

This program addresses the law in California in those early days, how a society functions without an effective government, and what that teaches about the importance of the rule of law.

Introduction by Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero
Panelists: Judge Barry Goode (ret.) and John Caragozian

There is no charge for this program.
1 hour MCLE Credit is available to California Supreme Court Historical Society members at no charge. Non-members may purchase MCLE credit for $25.00

Program Registration for Webinar and MCLE credit

Program Flyer

This program was co-sponsored by

The California Judges Association
The California Lawyers Association
The Los Angeles County Bar Association
Loyola Law School
The Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society
The U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California Historical Society

The California Supreme Court Historical Society is pleased to advise you of the following program, which it has agreed to co-sponsor:

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 – In-Person in San Francisco or by Webinar
5:00pm – 6:30pm

Upcoming Program: War Crimes


War Crimes: From the 1945 San Francisco U.N. Conference to Today

Do politics and diplomacy factor into our definition of war crimes? How are war crimes dealt with currently, compared to the past?


Prof. Laurel Fletcher | International Human Rights Clinic, Berkeley Law
Prof. David Cohen | Center for Human Rights and International Justice, Stanford University
Prof. Saira Mohamed | UC Berkeley School of Law

Moderator:  Ambassador (ret.) Jeff Bleich

Keynote:  Robert James, Esq.

There is no charge for this program.
MCLE Credit is available for $50

Program Flyer

This program is being co-sponsored by the Northern District of California Historical Society, the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society, the San Francisco Historical Society and the California Supreme Court Historical Society.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 – Webinar
12:00pm – 1:00pm

The California Supreme Court’s Abortion Jurisprudence

This free presentation provides a review of California’s constitutional law as it relates to issues of reproductive rights.

1 Hour MCLE Credit
(no charge)

David Ettinger

Michele Bratcher Goodwin
Brittny Mejia
Beth H. Parker

November 16, 2022
12 noon to 1 pm Webinar

Perez v. Sharp:  A California Landmark Case that Overturned a Century-Old Ban on Interracial Marriage

1 hour MCLE credit (Elimination of Bias)

In Perez v. Sharp (32 Cal. 2d 711 (1948)), the California Supreme Court found unconstitutional the state’s laws prohibiting inter-racial marriage. This program briefly sketches the history of racial discrimination in California and elsewhere, then turns its focus to how marriage illuminated a path for later, important civil rights cases.

The heart of the presentation addresses the recognition of bias and the legal theories that concern its elimination. The case also touches on marriage equality – as the issue was framed in 1947-1948. (see short articles on Perez v. Sharp and the attorney on the case, Daniel Marshall).

Program Introduction:   Justice Joshua Groban
Narrators:  Justice Teri L. Jackson and John S. Caragozian
Additional Remarks by:  Roland Brandel and Michael Traynor

The Demonization of (Im)Migrants: Dust Bowl Refugees and the Supreme Court
April 20, 2021
Zoom Presentation

Presented by the Northern District Historical Society and co-sponsored by CSCHS and the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society, this program by John S. Caragozian centered on the constitutionality of the “anti-Okie” law at issue in the 1941 United States Supreme Court case, Edwards v. California.


California Supreme Court Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar (ret.)
in conversation with Journalist/Biographer Jim Newton

November 7, 2018
Los Angeles

Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar served as a member of the California Supreme Court for 23 years, during which time she distinguished herself as a thoughtful and independent jurist. Justice Werdegar authored some of the court’s most significant opinions in the areas of criminal law, environmental law, labor law, antitrust law, and civil liberties, as well as several notable dissents, some later endorsed by the United States Supreme Court. Justice Werdegar retired from the court on August 31, 2017.

Program Flyer

Constitutional Governance and Judicial Power
November 15, 2016
San Francisco

Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye and former Chief Justice Ronald M. George on the California Supreme Court Historical Society’s book, Constitutional Governance and Judicial Power: The History of the California Supreme Court. This program was held in memory of former Chief Justice Malcolm M. Lucas (1927-2016).

Thirty Years After a Hundred Year Flood: Judicial Elections and the Administration of Justice [PDF]
October 2, 2016
California State Bar Meeting
San Diego

This program discusses the California Constitution’s system for electing justices and judges, and how the elections can influence the administration of justice. Featured speakers included UC Irvine School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and former California Supreme Court Justices Joseph Grodin and Cruz Reynoso.

Chief Justice David S. Terry and Federalism: A Life and Doctrine in Three Acts [PDF]
San Diego (September 12, 2014 – California State Bar Annual Meeting)
Fresno (January 30, 2014)
Los Angeles (June 25, 2013)
San Francisco (October 15, 2012)

Co-sponsored with the Northern District of California Historical Society, this unique presentation featured several state and federal judges, including California Supreme Court Justices Marvin Baxter and Kathryn Werdegar, in an investigation of federal-state relations in 19th century California.

The First Jury Trial [PDF]
October 2013

A Conversation with Abraham Lincoln [PDF]
July 13, 2013
California State Fair, Sacramento

This program commemorated the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and the 50th anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech, I Have a Dream . The program featured Jim Getty, Renowned Lincoln Actor and Historian.

This program was presented by the California Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District, Sojourn to the Past, the California Judicial Center Library, eRepublic and the California Supreme Court Historical Society.

Can Direct Democracy Be Saved? [PDF]
October 5, 2011
Los Angeles

Clara Foltz and the Role of the Public Defender [PDF]
April 21, 2011
Los Angeles

Rebooting California: Initiatives, Conventions & Government Reform [PDF]
September 24, 2010
Los Angeles

This day-long program explored the law and policies of Constitutional Reform for California and a possible Constitutional Convention.

Civil and Uncivil Constitutional Rights in California: The Early Legal History [PDF]
Los Angeles (June 1, 2009)
San Francisco (January 22, 2009)

Report on the Perspectives on Judicial Elections: Then and Now (2007) [PDF]
Presented at the California State Bar Annual Meeting

Report on California – Laboratory of Legal Innovation (2006) [PDF]
Presented at the California State Bar Annual Meeting

Religion, the State, and the First Amendment (2005)
Presented at the California State Bar Annual Meeting

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties during Wartime (2004)
Presented at the California State Bar Annual Meeting

World War II Reparations Cases (2003)
Presented at the California State Bar Annual Meeting

Temple of Justice, Past and Future: Designing and Renovating California’s Courthouses for the 21st Century (2002)
Presented at the California State Bar Annual Meeting

Forensic History and the Role of Historians in the Courtroom


Oral Histories of California Supreme Court Justices
Completed under the direction of the Regional Oral History Office or the Institute for Governmental Studies, both at the University of California, Berkeley.

Book Project
Grant to Paul Bryan Gray to support research, writing and illustrations for the book A Clamor for Equality: Emergence and Exile of California Activist Francisco P. Ramirez (2012).

1878-1879 California Constitutional Convention Working Papers
Digitization of records produced during the convention including administrative records, minutes, resolutions, and other document types.

Justice Stanley Mosk Archival Project
Completed under the direction of the California Judicial Center Library.