San Bernardino County

Completed 1898. After supervisors approved a $40,000 tax to construct a new Hall of Records in the late 1880s, south county residents voted to separate from San Bernardino and formed Riverside County in 1893. Undeterred, San Bernardino supervisors approved another tax to finance the construction of this Romanesque Revival building, which was demolished in 1928 after the construction of the current courthouse. The clock in this photo was removed and stored for more than 40 years until it was reinstalled in a new tower a half block from the site of the old courthouse. Courtesy California State Library

San Bernardino County Courthouse

Completed 1898

After supervisors approved a $40,000 tax to construct a new Hall of Records in the late 1880s, south county residents voted to separate from San Bernardino and formed Riverside County in 1893. Undeterred, San Bernardino supervisors approved another tax to finance the construction of this Romanesque Revival building, which was demolished in 1928 after the construction of the current courthouse. The clock in this photo was removed and stored for more than 40 years until it was reinstalled in a new tower a half block from the site of the old courthouse.

Courtesy California State Library

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